My Personal Journey

Old ways won't open new doors!


Tracie Poerazaff

Health Coach

Health and wellness have been a part of my life from my early years.

I’ve always felt like I ate healthy, made healthy choices and was always involved in exercise.

It was when I turned 40 that everything seemed to fall apart and it seemed to happen over night. It began on my Disney vacation when I had to be admitted to the ER with severe and crippling pain in my upper abdomen. Although all of the tests came back negative, the verdict was to “Take out your gall bladder.” Not being a fan of surgery and not having a good reason WHY it should be taken out, I went home and sought the typical medical expertise of my general practice doctor. Which sent me for more tests, suggested using acid reflux medication, suggested gal bladder surgery, etc, It was then, that I realized I needed a NEW WAY and a NEW PERSPECTIVE of the issue.

My Personal Transformation…

I found an integrative doctor who referred me for a food intolerance test.

Those tests showed that I was somehow now “intolerant” to gluten, dairy, and about 50 other foods and that my gut was so inflamed and out of balance that it was creating havoc in the rest of my body. It was this event that opened my eyes to the effects food, stress, sleep, adrenaline / cortisol overload, and age has on the body when it’s mismanaged or unbalanced. It was time for me to try a new approach at living life.

These “new ways” have served me well. They are not stagnate. They always revolve around my bodies ever changing needs. What I was doing a year ago is not necessarily what I do now. Learning to listen to my body instead of the insecurities in my head, the advertisements on TV, or the expectations of everyone around me, has helped me find out what works best for my body and in turn how my body can impact my mind. And this is how I can help you. We can find “your” way and “your” balance to a life filled with more joy, contentment, passion, motivation, and opportunity.

Old ways don’t open new doors. Take the first step in a new direction and let me partner with you on your journey to a healthier and happier life.

My Certifications…

New Ways Health Coaching mission statement:

To partner with and provide support to those seeking new ways to a healthier and happier life.

Small steps toward big change!

What are you waiting for?

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